Starting out a family will need effort and considerable amount of planning. Some things to think about in starting a family will always include questions like “what life will I be able to give to my children?” With this, birth spacing is important. It helps estimate expenses and your overall ability to provide the best possible provisions for your family.
Birth spacing can be achieved through several methods of contraception. Natural contraception is one method but it provides higher risk of uncalled for conception. For more effective contraception methods, we look to temporary contraceptives.
To get you started, here are three types of temporary contraception every couple can consider:
- The Classic Pill
Existent for several years now, the pill is a classic contraceptive that’s readily available. A pill contains hormones that help stop the ovaries from releasing eggs, consequently preventing the probability of pregnancy. There are several kinds of pill with different or mixed hormones. Consulting with our Gynecologist is always the best possible move. Pills help monitor and regularize irregular menstruations as well that may help to resolve problems in conception. - Patches
These work like pills, only they’re not taken orally. A patch is stuck on to your skin and so releases hormones that prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs as well. Aside from being stuck to your skin directly, it can be likened to a weekly regimen rather than a daily intake. Unlike pills which propose high risk of conception when missed, patches can be scheduled. - Injectables
One of the newer ways of contraception includes the use of injectable contraceptives. These contraceptives prevent conception by thickening the linings at the entrance of the womb making it difficult for the sperm to penetrate. - Intrauterine Device (IUD)
The IUD is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus and prevents the sperm cells from reaching the eggs and fertilizing them. As a result, no pregnancy occurs. The IUDs available today are considered safe and effective for many women. Along with that, IUDs also last longer than most common contraceptives.
Not sure what will work best for you? That is where Alliance ObGyn & Consultants LLC comes in. We can help assess contraceptive methods that fit your lifestyle and personal preferences. Take note that these contraceptive methods, like any other, possess both benefits and risks.
We help you plan for the future of your family. Find the contraception method that fits you. Schedule an appointment with us by calling 856-320-5069.
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